Rebirth is about change—not meaningless change but the kind that leads to growth and improvement for your brand.
Indeed, brands should be in a constant state of growth in order to keep up with the demands of their customer base. That is vital because rebirthing embraces constant change which is needed to reach customers on omni-channels and particularly digital ones.
Building a strong and an iconic brand is an essential rite of passage for achieving
rebirth and growing your business in a sustainable way. Whether you are a femmepreneur (woman-founded brand) or intrapreneur (employee leader tasked with developing an innovative idea or project within a company), you have a leadership position that can alter the trajectory of your organization.
If you are wondering what iconic brands are, let me tell you that they are authentic, purpose driven, and instantly recognizable without seeing a name or logo. They are also global and inspire and attract brand evangelists. From a strategic standpoint, iconic brands define trajectories, build loyalty, and have a long-term focus.
Iconic brands generate brand recall which is the ability for a consumer to remember a brand from memory when prompted with any product/service associations.
In fact, "82% of investors want the companies they invest in to have a strong brand." *
Strong brands are highly valued, purpose-driven and make strategic investments to maintain relevance in the marketplace. More importantly, they incite brand love for its customers.
Brand behemoths like Walmart, Nike, Disney, Cartier, LV, Apple, Amazon, Google, Apple, Victoria’s Secret, Spanx, Shell, Chanel and IBM fall into this category, among many others.
If you would like to read more on this topic, click here to download the free "4 Hacks to Rebirth Your Brand" e-book.
If you want to level-up your brand know-how and impact immediately by taking masterclasses, click here to learn about Rebirth U, Brand Rebirth's Virtual University of Brand + Professional Development.
If you want to hire Brand-Rebirth for a brand strategy-related project, click here to learn about our 1:1 Consulting Services and book a meeting.
Brand Rebirth is a purpose-driven brand consulting and virtual learning firm. We are a certified Women-Owned Business that provides 1:1 Consulting to mid-size businesses and brand masterclasses via Rebirth U to women business-owners and corporate teams.
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Tanika Vital-Pringle is the Founder and Chief Brand Strategist of Brand Rebirth. https://www.linkedin.com/company/brand-rebirth/?viewAsMember=true
Any comments or questions, let us know!
* Charles Drengberg, 4 Most Likely Ways Your Business is Failing, August 22, 2016. https://bigpresence.com/blog/the-4-most-likely-ways-your-business-is-failing/